Full Control

Manage your own email campaigns and newsletters with Ajax-powered signup forms. Add a full-featured double opt-in newsletter to any page in seconds. Send unlimited emails with NO monthly fees and NO restrictions.

Build your subscriber base and send emails from your WordPress site. No need for any 3rd-party email services, restrictions and fees. SES Pro gives you full control over every step of the process. It’s the perfect solution for any DIY enthusiast.

Probably not the ideal solution for sites with millions of subscribers. But for smaller sites that want full control, SES Pro is just perfect.

Unlimited Forms

SES Pro is built for admins that want full control over their email subscribers without having to rely on any 3rd-party services. Build your own custom lists of subscribers, create awesome emails with the visual editor, and send them for free. All from within the comfort of your WordPress.

SES Pro includes 10 default form styles that are fully customizable via live CSS editor. Once your form is ready, you can display it on any post or page with a shortcode. For example, if your style ID is 1, you would add this:

[ses_pro style="1"]

Ajax Powered

All SES Pro forms are 100% Ajax-powered, so visitors can signup easily while staying on the page. Plus, you can add a slide-in effect or lightbox-style popup effect to any form easily. Of course, if Ajax isn’t your thing, you can visit the plugin settings and disable it with a click.

Streamlined Settings

SES Pro brings a streamlined, simplifed settings interface that gives you full control over all of the plugin’s global options. Easily configure all settings within minutes and then you’re good to go for adding forms, composing newsletters, and sending out email to your selected subscribers. For more info, visit the SES Pro Docs.

Live Previews

Customize any form style in the comfort of the WP Admin Area. SES Pro gives you a live preview of each form style, so you can fine-tune every detail. As you customize your form, changes will be shown instantly in the form preview.

Visit SES Pro’s “Form Styles” screen to customize each form’s shortcode, JavaScript, and CSS — all in real-time.

Manage Subscribers

Manage your subscriber data in style with SES Pro’s streamlined Subscribers control panel. Display any number of subscribers per page, sort and search results by specific fields, edit and delete selected items, and more. SES Pro makes subscriber management a breeze, just a few clicks makes it easy to edit, add and remove subscribers.

Visual Email Editor

Compose your email in style with SES Pro’s visual/rich-text editor. While creating your messages, you can easily format text, add markup, insert media, and preview email content before sending. There you also may specify the email format (plain-text or SMTP), email protocol (Mail or SMTP), custom CC/BCC recipients, attachments, and much more.

Send Like a Pro

Sending email with SES Pro is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Just visit “Send Email”, choose your email and subscribers, and click the send button. SES Pro automatically sends out email and keeps track of which emails have been sent. That way, if something interrupts sending, you can simply repeat the process and SES Pro will automatically continue sending where it left off.

Built with WordPress

SES Pro is built with WP APIs, using native WordPress functionality whenever possible. That means the plugin is tightly integrated with WordPress, which is ideal for optimal usability, flexibility, performance, and security. SES Pro is built with WordPress for WordPress.

Awesome Features

SES Pro gives you freedom from fees and full control over your email campaigns. Additional plugin features include:

  • Easy setup, no coding required
  • No restrictions on anything
  • Display unlimited signup forms
  • Slide-in and pop-up forms
  • Single or double opt-in
  • Import and export subscribers
  • Supports 3 custom form fields
  • Email Blacklist feature
  • Google reCAPTCHA!

Check out full screenshots of SES Pro:

Check the SES Pro readme.txt for more details.

Lightweight, flexible, fast.

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